Bananas come in all different sizes. One of the most difficult challenges with tracking carbs is determining the portion size. Text based calorie counters cannot answer this question. Was my banana small, medium or large?

The “medium” banana (25 grams of carbs) that text based calorie counters use is not going to approximate your carbs well at all. For diabetics, getting this number correct can be critically important. This is why Figwee has been embraced by the community as a must have tool for esitmating carbs.


Guess the number of carbs in  these photos:

7 oz of baked chicken breast no skin
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31.1 grams of carbs

2 oz of baked chicken breast no skin
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9.7 grams of carbs

4 oz of baked chicken breast no skin
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17.5 grams of carbs

How many carbs are in a banana?

The only calorie counter that answers this is Figwee.
Humans do not think in text, they think in pictures in their mind’s eye.
If you are looking for a better way to figure out how much you ate, give Figwee a try.